The Soldier, one of the easiest classes to begin as and one of the hardest to master, is a well-rounded class that essentially has no specific niche to fill on the battlefield, but can easily adapt to fill just about any role that your team will need. Being the second hardiest class, the Soldier has the ability to soak up and deal large amounts of damage, while retaining many options for high mobility, unlike some of the classes with faster base speeds. This is what makes the Soldier a popular class not only for beginners, but also for more professional players of TF2.
Some basic facts about the Soldier:
-200 health points (second highest in the game)
-80% movement speed, 72% while walking backwards (second slowest in the game)
-Has a high damage primary that can kill most classes in 2 rockets.
-Can rocket jump at the cost of health to greatly increase mobility
-Primary has a low clip size, and lengthy reloads, manage your rockets wisely
Basic strategy:
-Try to aim directly at your opponents feet, as it will give your rocket the most reliable damage.
-Rocket jump not only for increased mobility, but to gain a height advantage.
-Keep your launcher fully loaded, you never know for sure what lies in the future.
-Crouch, jump, and fire a rocket at your feet for maximum performance in a rocket jump.
-Only engage enemies in close to medium range combat, you will perform poorly at longer ranges.
Now that the basics have been taken care of, it is time to get more in depth on the weapon choices available to the Soldier.
Some basic facts about the Soldier:
-200 health points (second highest in the game)
-80% movement speed, 72% while walking backwards (second slowest in the game)
-Has a high damage primary that can kill most classes in 2 rockets.
-Can rocket jump at the cost of health to greatly increase mobility
-Primary has a low clip size, and lengthy reloads, manage your rockets wisely
Basic strategy:
-Try to aim directly at your opponents feet, as it will give your rocket the most reliable damage.
-Rocket jump not only for increased mobility, but to gain a height advantage.
-Keep your launcher fully loaded, you never know for sure what lies in the future.
-Crouch, jump, and fire a rocket at your feet for maximum performance in a rocket jump.
-Only engage enemies in close to medium range combat, you will perform poorly at longer ranges.
Now that the basics have been taken care of, it is time to get more in depth on the weapon choices available to the Soldier.
The most defining characteristic of Soldier gameplay is his use of rocket launchers in combat. These launchers are useful for dealing high damage per hit, dealing splash damage, and rocket jumping to otherwise secluded locations. All primary launchers have 20 rockets in reserve at spawn.
The Rocket Launcher
With no stats modified, this is the absolute best all-around primary for Soldier. It is generally regarded as the best launcher by many players because of its universal utility. I highly recommend the use of this launcher for all skill levels of Soldier because of its well rounded stats, which perfectly fits the essence of what a Soldier is, a class that is good at everything but the best at nothing. Use this launcher if you are beginning to play, if no others fit your playstyle, or if you need an all around launcher.
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Original
Although this launcher is statistically the same as the Rocket Launcher, it has a twist, it fires rockets from the center of the screen, instead of from the right. This change is generally regarded as a preference change, as both rocket origins have their benefits and drawbacks.
-See Rocket Launcher
The Direct Hit
This is the most powerful launcher in the game, no argument. Not only is this launcher's base damage the same as the the Rocket Launcher's maximum damage, it also travels at a speed 80% faster than the Rocket Launchers. To make this launcher seem even more overpowered, it will also score mini-crits on any target launcher airborne by explosives. So why has this second oldest launcher in the game not recieved a balance change yet? The answer, it has a 70% smaller splash radius. This fact is enough to deter many players from the launcher because splash damage on the Direct Hit is incredibly unreliable, in other words, aim directly at your enemies. This launcher is also excels against slow targets, and many Pyros will have trouble airblasting these rockets. However, Scouts are generally hard to hit because of how unpredictable they are, and the loss of blast radius severely hinders effectiveness against Scouts.Do not be discouraged if you perform poorly with this launcher at first, it is harder to use than other launchers, but is incredibly powerful when used properly, and training will pay off in the end.
+80% faster rocket speed
+25% more damage
+Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosives
-70% splash damage radius
-Base damage: 112 (medium range:112-80)
-Maximum ramp-up: 140 (close range:140-120)
-Maximum fall-off: 57 (long range:72-57)
-Critical hit: 338
-Mini-crit: 152-189
-Splash radius: 3.2 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Black Box
Although only two attributes of this weapon have been changed from the Rocket Launcher, this weapon proves to be an effective alternative to the Rocket Launcher, given the right circumstances. This launcher allows the Soldier to regain 15 health for every succesful hit on the enemy at the cost of one rocket per clip. Although this may seem to be a simple change, this has significant changes on the usefulness of this weapon. The reduced clip size puts more strain on accuracy, although not quite as much as the Direct Hit would. The lower clip size also means that effectiveness against sturdier characters is reduced, as the missing rocket can be the rocket that is the difference from getting a kill and being killed. The health bonus is helpful when there are little healing sources on the map, and can be useful for regaining some of the damage that lighter classes cause at medium ranges. This healing will not cause afterburn or bleed damage to cease. Use this when the number of healing sources on the map are low, and there are many smaller classes on the battlefield. Stay away if the opposite is true.
+15 health on succesful hit
-25% clip size
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Liberty Launcher
This launcher boasts a increased rocket speed, similar to the Direct Hit, although the increase is only half of the bonus the Direct Hit recieves. Not only does this launcher have an increased rocket speed, but it also retains the same splash damage radius as the the Rocket Launcher. The Liberty Launcher also allows the user to take less self rocket damage. So, what's the catch? A sharp decrease in damage. This launcher suffers a damage decrease that is just enough to generally force the user into using one more rocket than would be necessary otherwise, and the rocket speed increase is greatly needed for beginners to use this launcher effectively, and this launcher will just be a hinderance to players already accurate with other standard speed launchers. This launcher makes a sacrifice in necessary damage for slightly increased mobility chance, and the trade off is generally not worth it.The rocket speed increase is also barely enough to throw some Pyros off guard, but many still can reflect these rockets with ease. Only use this launcher if you have great accuracy with it, or there are many Scouts or less skilled Pyros. Do not use this launcher if there are many medium to heavy classes in the match, or if you do not mind losing a secondary to gunboats. If there is one launcher I would recommend that you stay away from, it would be this one.
+40% Rocket Speed
+25% less self damage taken when rocket jumping
-25% damage
-Base damage: 68 (medium range:68-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 84 (close range:84-70)
-Maximum fall-off: 36 (long range:45-36)
-Critical hit: 203
-Mini-crit: 92-113
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:20-35
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Rocket Launcher
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Original
-See Rocket Launcher
The Direct Hit
+80% faster rocket speed
+25% more damage
+Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosives
-70% splash damage radius
-Base damage: 112 (medium range:112-80)
-Maximum ramp-up: 140 (close range:140-120)
-Maximum fall-off: 57 (long range:72-57)
-Critical hit: 338
-Mini-crit: 152-189
-Splash radius: 3.2 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Black Box
+15 health on succesful hit
-25% clip size
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Liberty Launcher
+40% Rocket Speed
+25% less self damage taken when rocket jumping
-25% damage
-Base damage: 68 (medium range:68-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 84 (close range:84-70)
-Maximum fall-off: 36 (long range:45-36)
-Critical hit: 203
-Mini-crit: 92-113
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:20-35
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
Primaries (cont):
The Cow Mangler 5000
This retro-futuristic launcher is statistically and functionally very similar to the Rocket Launcher, possibly even the closest launcher in function to the Rocket Launcher. It's defining characteristics are the lack of need for ammo and the alternate fire mode. The Cow Mangler uses a scientific concept that humans do not understand yet and can only be theorized about to generate infinite ammo, which means you will never be a burden on Engineers if you use both energy weapons that the soldier has. Also, this launcher feature a charge shot for alternative fire (activated with the right mouse button). This shot utilizes all four of the projectiles the Cow Mangler can store at one time to fire an automatic mini-crit rocket that not only catches enemies on fire, but also disables buildings for four seconds. This leads to the downfalls of this weapon, it lacks the ability to crit entirely, even through crit boosts, such as from the Kritzkrieg. Even though this weapon is somewhat of a long ranged sapper with its alternative fire, it is incredibly weak against buildings, do not even waste your time when the Engineer is still alive. This weapon is probably the most interchangeable with the Rocket Launcher out of all of the choices, and is an all around weapon. The only time to not use this launcher is when there are many Mini-sentries, while it is arguably better for Sentries.
+Does not use ammo
+Alt-fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, causes them to suffer afterburn for 6 seconds, and disables buildings for 4 seconds
-No critical hits, at all.
-Deals only 20% damage to buildings
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Beggar's Bazooka
The newest and craziest addition to the launcher family is the Beggar's Bazooka. This is the most game play altering launcher in existance because of the way it works. This combination of scrap metal (literally) has the ability to essentially load rockets in its chamber, and release them all at nearly the same time. This launcher can fire three rockets nearly simultaneously, and can completely dominate enemies in close to medium ranges. This range, however, is the full extent of the Beggar's Bazooka, as the rockets ejected by this launcher will not travel in a straight line towards the enemy, but instead spread out in a varying pattern. Overloading this launcher will also cause a misfire, a very damaging outcome that typically halves a Soldier's health, and reduces the rockets in the chamber by one. Although it is possible to achieve great rocket jumps with this weapon, it is generally more challenging to pull it off because rockets can not be fired on command. The airstrikes that are possible by this weapon are very devastating if done right, because up to 3 rockets will essentially be released on target all at the same time. Although this weapon may seem to be designed to appeal to a lower skill class at first, there are many interesting strategies with the Beggar's Bazooka that make it worthwhile. Pyros also may have a harder time airblasting your rockets without injury. Use this launcher on closer ranged maps, and if you can easily dive bomb enemies. Do not even attempt to use this launcher at long range, it is very ineffective, and do not use it if you do not have greater map knowledge.
+Hold fire to load 3 rockets
+Release fire to launch rockets at a 70% increased fire rate
- + 3 degrees in projectile deviation
-Has a 30% slower load time
-Overloading the chamber causes a misfire
-Can not collect ammo from dispensers
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .24 seconds
-Initial reload: 1.20 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): 1.04 seconds
+Does not use ammo
+Alt-fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, causes them to suffer afterburn for 6 seconds, and disables buildings for 4 seconds
-No critical hits, at all.
-Deals only 20% damage to buildings
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): .8 seconds
The Beggar's Bazooka
+Hold fire to load 3 rockets
+Release fire to launch rockets at a 70% increased fire rate
- + 3 degrees in projectile deviation
-Has a 30% slower load time
-Overloading the chamber causes a misfire
-Can not collect ammo from dispensers
-Base damage: 90 (medium range:90-50)
-Maximum ramp-up: 112 (close range:105-112)
-Maximum fall-off: 45 (long range:60-45)
-Critical hit: 270
-Mini-crit: 122-151
-Splash radius: 10.6 feet (minimum splash fall off:50%)
-Rocket jump damage:27-46
-Fire interval: .24 seconds
-Initial reload: 1.20 seconds
-Consecutive reload(s): 1.04 seconds
Although not as powerful as the Soldier's launchers, the collection of secondary weapons the Soldier boasts can cover a wide spread of abilities that the Soldier can utilize to help him in the fight. There are three main categories of secondaries, damaging, team-supportive and self-supportive.
The Shotgun
Although not quite as powerful as the launchers, the Shotgun can pack a serious punch in close range when your choice of launcher is not ready to fire. Along with the Rocket Launcher, this is the go to weapon for most soldiers, and for good reason. It covers the probable self injury of using a launcher in close range, and is a perfect finishing weapon. I recommend beginning with the Shotgun, and testing out new things once you have a good feel for it, as it is a pairs perfectly with any Launcher.
-Base damage: 6/pellet (medium range:30-10)
-Maximum damage: 9/pellet (close range:90-80)
-Minimum damage: 3/pellet (long range:10-3)
-Pellet count: 10
-Pellet spread: 30:1 (Hammer Units(H.U.) away from target, H.U. of spread on target)
-Critical damage: 18/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 12.15-8.1/pellet
-Fire rate: .625 seconds
-Initial reload: 1 second
-Consecutive reload: .5 seconds
The Buff Banner
The original banner item, or team support item, is the most offensive based. Upon dealing enough damage, a meter will fill, and blowing the horn that comes with this item will give the Soldier and his teammates in a certain radius 100% mini-crit chance until the charge resets to zero. It is somewhat like a team-centered Kritzkreig buff, but watered down to be used by everybody near the Soldier. This item is great when pushing into an enemy controlled area, as the mini-crits make short work of just about every class that you may encounter in a push. Although it can be used alone, it is much more effective when used in conjuction with teammates. Use this item when you know a large group of enemies is close to your current location, as you and your team will decimate the opposing force as you push against them. I recommend only using this secondary with a launcher that you are comfortable with, as you lose the direct help a shotgun would give you.
+When activated at 100% charge, this item grants the player and nearby allies mini-crits for 10 seconds
~Activation can be delayed
-Takes 600 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 3 seconds
The Gunboats
The original self supportive wear would be the gunboats. Although this does not provide any benefit to your team, this items provides support to yourself whenever it is needed. This item is generally overlooked by new players, this item is very beneficial to any Soldier that frequently rocket jumps, as a great deal of the damage is reduced from rocket jumping. Not only does this item grant you a survivability bonus, but nothing needs to be activated or presently out to use this item, the Gunboats are completely passive, and will always give a Soldier a reduction to damage when they rocket jump. The Gunboats are great if you are well versed in rocket bombing as well, as you can perform it frequently without the need for frequent resupply of health. This is a great alternative to the Shotgun if you can aim well with your launcher of choice. As with every other supportive weapon, I recommend that you use a launcher that you are comfortable with while using this item.
+60% less damage taken from rocket jumps
~grants this ability passively
-Rocket jump damage reduced: 11-18
The Battalion's Backup
Like the Buff Banner, the buff given by the Battalion's Backup affects the entire team and the player who activates it. Unlike the Buff Banner, however, the Battalion's Backup is almost a complete counter to what the Buff Banner produces. The Battalion's Backup is a much more of a defensive item, it cuts down damage taken by the influenced individuals, and is even more effective against Sentry damage, and it completely negates critical damage. This negation of critical damage will still cause you to take standard damage, however. Once the player activates the bugle that accompanies this item, the buff begins. This item is a nearly a perfect counter to anything that grants critical damage, and is very useful to push through Sentry nests without building an Uber-charge, or to hold a position against players. As an extra bonus, the Battalion's Backup also adds 20 health as a bonus for using it, allowing the user to intake slightly more damage. As always, only use this item with a launcher you are comfortable with.
+At 100% charge, using it grants player and nearby teammates 10 seconds of guaranteed immunity to Critical damage, raises resistance to Sentry Gun by 50% and raises resistance to damage by 35%.
+20 max HP passive for the wearer
~Activation can be delayed
-Takes 600 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 2.6 seconds
The Shotgun
-Base damage: 6/pellet (medium range:30-10)
-Maximum damage: 9/pellet (close range:90-80)
-Minimum damage: 3/pellet (long range:10-3)
-Pellet count: 10
-Pellet spread: 30:1 (Hammer Units(H.U.) away from target, H.U. of spread on target)
-Critical damage: 18/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 12.15-8.1/pellet
-Fire rate: .625 seconds
-Initial reload: 1 second
-Consecutive reload: .5 seconds
The Buff Banner
+When activated at 100% charge, this item grants the player and nearby allies mini-crits for 10 seconds
~Activation can be delayed
-Takes 600 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 3 seconds
The Gunboats
+60% less damage taken from rocket jumps
~grants this ability passively
-Rocket jump damage reduced: 11-18
The Battalion's Backup
+At 100% charge, using it grants player and nearby teammates 10 seconds of guaranteed immunity to Critical damage, raises resistance to Sentry Gun by 50% and raises resistance to damage by 35%.
+20 max HP passive for the wearer
~Activation can be delayed
-Takes 600 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 2.6 seconds
Secondaries (cont):
The Concheror
The third and final buff backpack is the Concheror, an almost purely supportive boost given to your team whenever the need arises. If the Buff Banner was the Kritzkrieg and the Battalion's Backup was the Medi Gun, the Concheror would be the Quick Fix. This banner boasts the boost of not only healing whenever you score a succesful hit on target, but it also increases the speed of your surrounding team so that they can place themselves in any position that is currently needed. On top of the speed boost and health on hit, the Concheror also charges a considerable amount faster than the other two banners, making it much more viable in a pinch, and is more useful for wearing down the enemy over time than waiting for a major group effort to form against the enemy, like the other two banners would call for. The Concheror also causes passive health regeneration. Although this banner doesn't provide a boost as powerful as the other two, it is certainly more spammable, and acts as a medic in a pinch. As with the other banners, use a launcher that you are comfortable with while using this weapon, because of the loss of extra firepower.
+While the buff is active, the user and nearby teammates have their movement speed boosted and are healed for 35% of the damage they deal during 10 seconds.
+ 2 health/second regenerated
~Activation can be delayed
~Speed increase is dependant on class, with slower classes benefiting the most, at a 40% increase for Heavy and Soldier, a 37.5% increase for Demoman, a 35% increase for Pyro, Engineer, Sniper and Spy, a 32.8% increase for Medic and a 26.3% increase for Scout.
-Takes 480 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 3 seconds
-Speed increase is dependant on class, with slower classes benefiting the most, at a 40% increase for Heavy and Soldier, a 37.5% increase for Demoman, a 35% increase for Pyro, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy, a 32.8% increase for Medic and a 26.3% increase for Scout.
The Mantreads
Although the Mantreads appear to look very nice, the item itself is not a very wise choice to use in place of a different secondary. The Mantreads have only positive attributes associated with them, and the attributes may seem useful, even though the do more harm than it is worth. The main feature of the Mantreads would be the huge reduction in push forces, but this is a double edged sword. This has more than enough potantial to save the wearer from enemies pushing them into hazards, such as cliffs, but also reduces the wearer's ability to effectively glide and escape on incoming push forces, such as and airblast into a wall or Sentry fire. This makes a much easier target for enemy players because nearly all weapons with significant push forces do maximum damage in close range, and you will be in much closer ranges against push forces. The other ability of this weapon seems to be rather silly, and mostly useful for experienced rocket jumpers. The Mantreads cause massive damage on impact against an enemy, but shooting them with rockets is more effective anyways. If there was one weapon to not use as a secondary, it would be this one. Try to stay away unless you are on a map with many cliffs, such as upward, or can easily land on enemies.
+75% less push force taken from damage.
+3 times the fall damage when landing on an enemy
~Grants these abilities passively.
The Reserve Shooter
The most similar secondary to the Shotgun is the Reserve Shooter. Designed as a compact shotgun for airborne infantry, the Reserve Shooter proves more useful against enemies in the air than the Shotgun because of it's ability of mini-criting airborne targets. To make matter worse for the guy recieving the blow, any player that wields this shotgun is granted a faster weapon switch to make more use of the damage bonus against airborne targets. What are the limiting factors of this weapon, you may ask? The answer is a huge blow to the tube size of this shotgun, only three shells can be loaded at one time. Not to mention, the mini-crits only function three seconds after this weapon is actively deployed. The Reserve Shooter proves as a closer ranged powerhouse than the Shotgun because of these attributes. This weapon targets the Soldier's ability to launch targets airborne, and utilizes this to more easily dispatch of these foes that are unfortunate enough to be trapped in the air. This ability can not be abused, however, because of the time limitations, even though it is reset when the active weapon is switched. It also lacks the Shotgun's ability of suppressive fire. If you can not launch targets airborne or there are not many scouts on the enemy team, this weapon is nearly a direct downgrade to the Shotgun, but it will tear through singular airborne targets, either self propelled or launched by you.
+15% faster weapon switch speed
+Mini-crits airborne targets for three seconds after weapon switch
-50% clip size
-Base damage: 6/pellet (medium range:30-10)
-Maximum damage: 9/pellet (close range:90-80)
-Minimum damage: 3/pellet (long range:10-3)
-Pellet count: 10
-Pellet spread: 30:1 (Hammer Units(H.U.) away from target, H.U. of spread on target)
-Critical damage: 18/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 12.15-8.1/pellet
-Fire rate: .625 seconds
-Initial reload: 1 second
-Consecutive reload: .5 seconds
The Righteous Bison
Although seemingly similar to a Shotgun, the Righteous Bison more closely resembles a pocket rocket launcher. This handheld particle smasher might be slightly weaker than the Shotgun in close ranges, but it is much stronger at longer distances, coming close to even outperforming your primary in this regard, and it is a perfect weapon for harrassing enemies at chokepoints or that do not know of your existance. To make this weapon even more effective at chokepoints, it has the ability to penetrate an infinite amount of enemies, while retaining the same damage profile, and can kill high priorty targets behind other enemies. Being an energy weapon, the Righteous Bison has infinite ammo which makes it infinitely more useful for chokepoints and crowd control. On top of this, it's projectile can not be deflected. This weapon, however is not without some serious drawbacks. For starters, it fires a slow moving projectile that can be easily avoided when used incorrectly, and the Bison suffers a clip size reduction as well. Not to mention, the Bison is absolutely terrible against all buildings, do not even waste your time trying to destroy one. The Righteous Bison is a great tool for harassment and in the right hands, it can be very destrutive. However, it generally takes more skill and knowledge to use than the Shotgun, and this can be the user's downfall. Use this weapon when you can hold down a chokepoint, and when you can reliably predict enemy movement. This weapon, however, will be less than ideal when used without practice, as there is no splash damage. Timing is key with this weapon.
+Does not require ammo
+Can pierce multiple targets
+Can light friendly Huntsman arrows on fire
+Can hit players multiple times
+Projectiles can not be deflected
-Deals only 20% damage to buildings
-33.3% smaller clip size
-Base damage: 16/pellet (medium range:64-16)
-Maximum damage: 20/pellet (close range:80-20)
-Minimum damage: 12/pellet (long range:48-12)
-Pellet count: 4
-Critical damage: 60/pellet to 36/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 30-16/pellet
-Fire rate: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 second
-Consecutive reload: .4 seconds
+While the buff is active, the user and nearby teammates have their movement speed boosted and are healed for 35% of the damage they deal during 10 seconds.
+ 2 health/second regenerated
~Activation can be delayed
~Speed increase is dependant on class, with slower classes benefiting the most, at a 40% increase for Heavy and Soldier, a 37.5% increase for Demoman, a 35% increase for Pyro, Engineer, Sniper and Spy, a 32.8% increase for Medic and a 26.3% increase for Scout.
-Takes 480 damage to full fill the rage meter
-Range: 450 H.U.
-Activation time: 3 seconds
-Speed increase is dependant on class, with slower classes benefiting the most, at a 40% increase for Heavy and Soldier, a 37.5% increase for Demoman, a 35% increase for Pyro, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy, a 32.8% increase for Medic and a 26.3% increase for Scout.
The Mantreads
+75% less push force taken from damage.
+3 times the fall damage when landing on an enemy
~Grants these abilities passively.
The Reserve Shooter
+15% faster weapon switch speed
+Mini-crits airborne targets for three seconds after weapon switch
-50% clip size
-Base damage: 6/pellet (medium range:30-10)
-Maximum damage: 9/pellet (close range:90-80)
-Minimum damage: 3/pellet (long range:10-3)
-Pellet count: 10
-Pellet spread: 30:1 (Hammer Units(H.U.) away from target, H.U. of spread on target)
-Critical damage: 18/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 12.15-8.1/pellet
-Fire rate: .625 seconds
-Initial reload: 1 second
-Consecutive reload: .5 seconds
The Righteous Bison
+Does not require ammo
+Can pierce multiple targets
+Can light friendly Huntsman arrows on fire
+Can hit players multiple times
+Projectiles can not be deflected
-Deals only 20% damage to buildings
-33.3% smaller clip size
-Base damage: 16/pellet (medium range:64-16)
-Maximum damage: 20/pellet (close range:80-20)
-Minimum damage: 12/pellet (long range:48-12)
-Pellet count: 4
-Critical damage: 60/pellet to 36/pellet
-Mini-crit damage: 30-16/pellet
-Fire rate: .8 seconds
-Initial reload: .92 second
-Consecutive reload: .4 seconds
The Shovel
Although the original is generally considered the best in TF2, the Shovel is generally viewed as worse than other melee weapons that give the user better bonuses. However, some may still use it if they do not want attributes given by other weapons. I still would recommend using a different melee weapon as a substitute that gives a mobility advantage.
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Equalizer
Originally a straight upgrade to the Shovel, the Equalizer was split into two seperate weapons many upddates ago. What was left over that eqaulizes damage done with health left is generally regarded as one of the poorer choices for Soldier's melee not only because it does less than the Shovel when your health is above 114, but also because the Soldier is too slow to utilize the damage increase. It can be useful when in very dire situations as a last ditch effort when the enemy constantly gets close to you.
+Damage done with this weapon does more as your remaining health decreases
-Can not be healed by a medic when active, can not call for a medic while active
-Base damage: 107-33 (based on this equation: 107.25 − 0.37295 × H, when H=health)
-Critical damage: 321-99
-Mini-crit damage: 144-45
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Pain Train
Although frequently harrassed, the Pain Train is great in Payload and Control point maps, as the wearer will count as two people instead of one. The bullet damage can be a factor if there are many bullet based classes on the enemy team, but it can be nullified if your playstyle dictates constant exposure to a cart, which is a constant healing source. The Pain Train is not as bad as many say, and you should consider using it if the opposing team isn't filled with bullet based weaponry and you really need to push for a point.
+Increases the user's capture rate by 1 for points and carts
-10% increased bullet damage
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Equalizer
+Damage done with this weapon does more as your remaining health decreases
-Can not be healed by a medic when active, can not call for a medic while active
-Base damage: 107-33 (based on this equation: 107.25 − 0.37295 × H, when H=health)
-Critical damage: 321-99
-Mini-crit damage: 144-45
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Pain Train
+Increases the user's capture rate by 1 for points and carts
-10% increased bullet damage
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
Melee (cont):
The Half-Zatoichi
Although more useful with a Demoman, the Half-Zatoichi still can see some viable use with the Soldier. The Soldier, due to his slow movement speed, can not catch up to anything besides other Soldiers and Heavies, and the downfall of this weapon is that it can not be switched out until you get a kill with it. On a kill, however you are restored to your base health of 200, which is very useful in dire situations, and picking off single, unaware enemies with this weapon may be useful to restore health. As a double-edged attribute, this weapon instantly kills any other enemy wielding this weapon, regardless of health. Use this weapon if you can accurately judge when to use it, but using it like other melee weapons will result in death.
+On kill: restores user to 100% health
-This weapon is Honorbound and can not be sheathed until a kill is scored
-Instantly kills any enemy that has the Half-Zatoichi active.
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Disciplinary Action
This melee weapon is the supportive melee weapon of the Soldier. WIth the help of a teammate, you can whip yourself and your team to higher speeds, and can make very effective pushes on foot towards enemies, or can push away from enemies. This weapon also features a great melee range for assisting in hits on your teammates so that you can boost yourself and your team without great hassle. The extra range also helps in combat, as an added bonus. However, the Disciplinary Action also features a reduction in damage against enemies, which pushes for it to be used as a support weapon. This weapon is one of the two best melee weapons for Soldier, use it very frequently. Do not use it, however, if you are a total wandering Soldier, as the lack of teammates will defeat the purpose of using this weapon.
+70% longer melee range
+On hit ally: boost both players' speed during 4 seconds
-25% less damage done
-Base damage: 49
-Critical damage: 147
-Mini-crit damage: 66
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Market Gardener
Incredibly useful if its user is well adapted to rocket jumping, the Market Gardener is a downgrade to the Shovel if used inproperly. While rocket jumping, the Market Gardener will score the user critical damage on enemies as long as the enemy is hit while the Soldier is still in the air. Failure to hit enemies will rocket jumping, however, will just cause the player to lose random critical hits. Although this melee weapon will cause the most reliable damage if used properly, its use is limited by many factors, primarily skill. Not to mention, firing a few rockets at an enemy while airborne is safer and will cause more damage than the Market Gardener can. Only use this weapon if you can easily score critical hits with it, and if you are proficient at doing so. Do not use this weapon if you can not score hits, obviously, or if you do not want to sacrifice the mobility bonuses of other melees.
+Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping
-No random critical hits
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Escape Plan
The other mobility increasing melee option for Soldier, this is generally regarded as another one of the best choices possible. Every time the Soldier is injured, his speed will increase relative to his remaing health,where less health left causes the Soldier to move faster, resulting in the player being more easily able to escape danger posed by the enemy team. This bonus only applies when the Escape Plan is active. This weapon has the bonus of only relying on yourself for the speed boost, rather than other teammates to get a boost. As a drawback, Medics can not heal you as long as this weapon is currently active, and mini-crits are taken as long as this weapon is out, and a while afterwards, to discourage easy, undeserved escapes from combat. Although this weapon is not without serious drawbacks, use this weapon frequently, as when used in wise moderation you will be able to escape from impending danger without any assistance from your team. It is perfect for wandering Soldiers, as they do not encounter their own team frequently. Do not use this weapon if you are frequently found with the bulk of your team, or can not make good decisions about when to try to escape.
+Movement speed increases as the user becomes injured
-Mini-crits are taken while this weapon is active, and for 3 seconds after it is switched out
-User can not be healed by Medics, and can not call for Medics.
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
-Rough speed increases are as indicated:
Health remaining- Speed (H.U.)- Relative speed increase-
300-161- 240- 0%
160-121- 264- 10%
120-81- 288- 20%
80-41- 336- 40%
40-1 384- 60%
+On kill: restores user to 100% health
-This weapon is Honorbound and can not be sheathed until a kill is scored
-Instantly kills any enemy that has the Half-Zatoichi active.
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Disciplinary Action
+70% longer melee range
+On hit ally: boost both players' speed during 4 seconds
-25% less damage done
-Base damage: 49
-Critical damage: 147
-Mini-crit damage: 66
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Market Gardener
+Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping
-No random critical hits
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
The Escape Plan
+Movement speed increases as the user becomes injured
-Mini-crits are taken while this weapon is active, and for 3 seconds after it is switched out
-User can not be healed by Medics, and can not call for Medics.
-Base damage: 65
-Critical damage: 195
-Mini-crit damage: 88
-Attack interval: .8 seconds
-Rough speed increases are as indicated:
Health remaining- Speed (H.U.)- Relative speed increase-
300-161- 240- 0%
160-121- 264- 10%
120-81- 288- 20%
80-41- 336- 40%
40-1 384- 60%
Suggested Loadouts:
These could either be loadouts that I personally find effective, or that would work well together in theory. Just because they work for me or in theory does not mean they will be as good for you, as your own stylized loadout is better than anyone elses for you. If I see any stand-out ideas in the comments, I will add them.
Loadout A:
-Rocket Launcher
-Righteous Bison
-Disciplinary Action
Loadout B:
-Direct Hit
-Reserve Shooter
-Escape Plan
-Rocket Jumper
-Market Gardener
Loadout A:
-Rocket Launcher
-Righteous Bison
-Disciplinary Action
Loadout B:
-Direct Hit
-Reserve Shooter
-Escape Plan
-Rocket Jumper
-Market Gardener
I will listen to any ideas that you may have.
Looks like I may do more class guides if enough people want me to, I would like to do Engineer and/or Medic because I have the most play time and experience in these two as well as Soldier, but I could try anything.
Looks like I may do more class guides if enough people want me to, I would like to do Engineer and/or Medic because I have the most play time and experience in these two as well as Soldier, but I could try anything.
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